Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hello Old Friends!

I must first say I am soooooo sorry for neglecting the blog! All I can say is the past couple of months for me and Monkey See Boutique have been B-U-S-Y! I have truly been blessed with wonderful customers and a ton of orders to fill. I have basically lived in my studio since early February filling orders for gifts and one holiday after another. Because of the orders...I have neglected the blog, tweeting, and facebooking and I feel horrible, but there are just not enough hours in the day...and orders come first :).

I am just thrilled about some of the new products that are coming to the website and some of them are already on there...but I will share a few with you before I go tonight and hopefully get them up in June!

1 comment:

Como elegir Hipoteca said...

Excellent images. A work full of creativity and good taste. Congratulations!

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