Hello everyone! It has been way too long since I posted something on the blog and I promise going forward to do much better (or at least try). Honestly, I have been so extremely busy filling orders (working 7 days a week) to get them processed, produced and shipped...there is little time left for anything else.
Currently, the business is temporarly closed as I embark on a personal adventure that promises to keep me just as busy (at least for a couple of weeks). We are moving from Tennessee to Tampa, Florida. Yes, while we are sad to leave the friends we have made in our short 2 year military tour in Memphis, TN, we are looking forward to the sunshine and activities a city like Tampa, FL has to offer. It is a big undertaking to move a family however, even a bigger undertaking to move a business like mine with inventory, machines, transferring accounts and other bookeeping (the less glamorous part of the business). Fear not, it will get done and I am hoping to reopen on June 15th.
I hate to close at all, but it is a must. The best part about taking a break...I am finally caught up on orders (such a WONDERFUL feeling) and when I reorganize the new studio... I have so many ideas to make it more productive which is a good thing for me and YOU! Hopefully, I can take some photos and share them with you.
Lots of great new products are coming along with the debut of Simple Chic Boutique. A great division of Monkey See Boutique to include trendy clothing, accessories and purses. July is the official launch and in June I will offer a couple of giveaways to promote this division. Fun jewelry, handbags and outfits will be part of the giveaways...so stay tuned!
There will also be a couple of clearance/sale items on the website ...you will not want to miss them. Over the summer I will also be hard at work trying to revamp the website. Bringing new fonts, choices and products.
Thank you all so much for following and supporting Monkey See Boutique! Love to all!
Colcannon Potatoes (Irish Mashed Potatoes)
11 hours ago
Really nice blog, interesting posts !
It would be nice if you'll visit my blog sometimes :)
No way !
I envy you Florida :)
I'm sure that will be great there, you'll see :)
Cool stuff you have...and do.
I am always like these kind if articles. Thanks for sharing nice article.
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
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