My newest creation is made to match Gymboree's Fall Forest. I have created a set of clippies & skinny headband. This line is adorable and I will be coming out with some more made to match pieces within the coming weeks.
New Gymboree lines are coming out for the holidays. I am already working on City Sparkle and Holiday pictures lines.
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend, and an entrepreneur. I love to laugh and have fun. In 2002, Monkey See Boutique opened it's doors {well the door of my home} as a home based business. Mainly focusing on boutique hair accessories for my second born, but first born daughter. Our business grew through support of family & friends, clients, & local businesses. As we have grown, I have realized my passion for design & unique products are shared by others. People are always asking me where did you get that?, what is that paint color?, how did you wrap that package?, where did you get that bag? and so on. Now, Monkey See Boutique is changing our focus. We are still going to bring you top quality adorable hair accessories & our other fabulous products along with carefully selected vendors that will make others ask you {where did you get that?}. We want you to reply with a big smile ~! You will find us online and at various shows & events. Spread the word!
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